8 Courses 1 Categories
Teacher: Aiswarya M Nair
contains all lectures and clinicals
Teacher: Abdul Majeed ArshadTeacher: Irfan Ismail AyubTeacher: Hariprasad BTeacher: Rajagopalan BTeacher: Chandrasekhar CTeacher: Sindhura KogantiTeacher: Lithya KumariTeacher: Kaushik raja MRTeacher: Dhanasekhar TTeacher: Vinod VG
Deals with Pulmonology
Teacher: Emmanuel BhaskarTeacher: Aiswarya M NairTeacher: Sivaprakash Varadhan
Approach to examination of gastrointestinal system and Liver
Approach to clinical examination of respiratory system
Teacher: Emmanuel BhaskarTeacher: Aiswarya M NairTeacher: sathyamurthy PTeacher: Sivaprakash Varadhan
Deals with infections including viral,bacterial and fungal.
this course deals with all common neurological diseases