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9 Courses

Blended Learning – Intermediate level training- March 2021
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Teacher: Anupriya AlagesanTeacher: seetha lakshmiTeacher: Narendra Kumar MTeacher: Abirami OmprakashTeacher: Rajeswari STeacher: Dr Ram SabarishTeacher: Narasimman swaminathanTeacher: Karthik vp

Blended Learning – Intermediate level training- March 2021

 Congratulations to all the participants for successfully completing basic Blended Learning course and welcome to this second level course. 

Learning outcomes:

  1. Explains the hallmarks of blended learning with appropriate examples
  2. Identify and access various free online resources in routine teaching
  3. Plan a blended learning session using existing resources
  4. Prepare and deliver a short module through BL
  5. Reflect on the process of blended learning

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Teacher: Ramkumar Dhanasekaran

Training videos - elearning

This section contains Downloadable videos for e-learning. 

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Teacher: dean education dean educationTeacher: dean educationTeacher: Archana P KumarTeacher: Latha ravichandranTeacher: Narasimman swaminathan

Blended learning 6

Basic course for Blended learning at SRMC 

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Teacher: guest 01Teacher: vice chancellorTeacher: dean educationTeacher: seetha lakshmiTeacher: Abirami OmprakashTeacher: Archana P KumarTeacher: vanitha raniTeacher: Latha ravichandranTeacher: Narasimman swaminathan

Blended Learning - Course 3

Basic course on blended learning

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Teacher: Anupriya AlagesanTeacher: Archana P KumarTeacher: Latha ravichandranTeacher: Narasimman swaminathan

Blended Learning - Course 1

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course the participants will be able to

  1. Differentiate the learning behavior and environment of our current students “The zee “generation the digital pioneers
  2. Describe the design of blended learning
  3. Discuss the various ways to blended learning
  4. Reflect on advantages and disadvantages of blended learning
  5. Predict the challenges in implementation